A huge thank you to Jane, Mauri, Terry, library staff, all the sorters, Polly (Book Sale volunteer coordinator), volunteers who set up, breakdown, cashiers (and anyone else that I might have missed), etc. for another successful book sale for our library. Without the combined efforts of all of the above, our book sale would not be one of the best (if not the best) in New England. Within the next week or so, the library basement will once again be 100% emptied of all books. (We donate hundreds of books to several non-profits around Western MA including nursing homes, doctors’ offices, senior centers, etc.). We will once again start the process of collecting and sorting a new batch of books (all donated) for our fall sale. It never fails to amaze me that we are able to clean out our library basement of all our books after our sale (within one week) and the following week start filling the empty shelves with a variety of books for our next book sale. The Friends of the Clapp Memorial Library could not have the success we have without the combined hard work and community volunteers that are diligent in keeping this book sale going all these years. Our book sales fund many of the children and adult programs our library sponsors all year long. In addition, museum passes and library expenses that other sources cannot fund are paid for by the Friends and their book sales. As Jane C. would say, "Our book sale is a well oiled machine due to all the work and efforts of our community volunteers.” So keep donating your books to the Friends so that we can continue to benefit our beautiful and wonderful library in town. If you have trouble bringing in your books, we have volunteers to pick up your donations. Please call the library to arrange for pick-up of book donations. Thanks again to everyone! Comments are closed.
NewsThe Friends group sponsors several events at the library throughout the year. The best known are our Spring and Fall Book Sales, but there are some other great ones that you don't want to miss!
Check out the Calendar for an overview of all current and upcoming events. Archives
September 2024